Saturday, June 1, 2019

Providing Immediate Oral Care At Home

You may have a medical first aid kit at home in order to deal with the medical emergencies. However, have you ever wondered about arranging a kit to deal with the dental emergencies?

Dental emergencies are common among children and adults. Good thing that is that you can get quick relief from a painful situation with the help of just a few items which you will need to purchase from the nearby drugstore.

It is worth mentioning here that this first aid dental kit is not aimed at providing permanent relief from the situation. This kit is going to contain the situation until you arrive at the dental office to get the treatment started.

In this article, we are going to discuss what you need to do in different situations of dental emergency.


In case of toothache, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water. If there is anything trapped between your teeth, you need to get it out with the help of dental floss. If there is the swelling in the area, you need to place an ice pack on the cheek area right above the aching tooth. However, you have to make sure that you are not using heat to treat the pain. You can use aspirin or any other alternate of aspirin to contain the pain. Avoid placing aspirin directly on the gums because it can burn the soft tissues of gums.

Object wedged between the teeth
If there an object wedged between the tooth, you need to get it out with the help of dental floss. After getting it out, you need to rinse your mouth with water vigorously. Make sure that you are not using any sharp or pointing object to remove the object. If you are not able to remove it, see the dentist.

Mouth sores

Mouth sores can be irritating and painful. These sores are developed due to biting on the cheeks, abrasive brushing of teeth, burns from hot and sour foods, and irritation due to braces or dentures. You can remove food particles and other irritants from the sores with the help of oxygenating cleanser. To soothe the area, you can also use oral gels.

Knocked out tooth

A knocked out tooth is a severer and more complicated injury which can happen to your teeth. When you tooth gets knocked out, you need to make sure that you do not touch the tooth’s root area. If possible, place the tooth back into the slot and visit your dentist. If you find it risky putting the tooth back, place it in a small container full of milk and take it to your dentist. You may be able to save the tooth this way.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Acid Erosion on Teeth

Teeth are not invincible, and they can weaken and erode the teeth surfaces, and if not addressed, this causes issues. Here, we’ll discuss a bit more about dental erosion, and what you can do to make sure that it doesn’t happen to you. 

What is It? 

Basically, your enamel is vital for the health of the tooth, and it protects the sensitive parts below from decay, daily wear and tear, temperatures, and even chemicals. These do get eroded over time if there are acids either initially or externally in contact with the teeth. Your body can’t repair this since there are not living cells in the teeth, so the key here is protection. Your enamel is about 96% mineral, making it some of the strongest substances out there. It’s not invincible though., with a lot of o of the teeth surfaces weakening over time as well, and your body can’t repair it, so it does cause major issues when it’s not taken care of or addressed either. In a lot of instances, it can definitely play a major role in the health and wellness of your teeth. 

Signs of Tooth Erosion 

There is certain signs that come with this, and here, we’ll go over them below. First and foremost, you’ve got tooth discoloration, where your enamel which is healthy will appear a bit white, but thew dentin is yellow, so you’ve got a yellow tinge that may be due to erosion as well. If you also notice the teeth look thinner along with being smaller, that also may be a sign. 

Finally, if you do notice that the teeth are a lot more sensitive, especially if you feel pain when you drink anything hot or cold, this is a big part of it. This is especially true if you also eat sour or sweet foods too. 

Causes of this 

The cayuse of this usually is due to acids. Acids are pretty much something that’s below your normal pH level, and if you continue to subject your teeth to it, over time it does cause the enamel to wear down. Soda or other carbonated drinks riddled with sugar causes your plaque to break down, eroding the enamel. Even diet sodas are acidic, and consuming soda does erode it in the same way drug use that’s elicit happens.  Drinking water is an alternative to morning soda. 

Another thing is acid reflux, or GERD, and it causes your stomach acids to sometimes regurgitate, and sometimes happen in your mouth. GERD is typically caused by tomatoes, chocolate, spicy foods, alcohol, or even coffee. This is usually treated with medication, and it might be something that you talk to your doctor about when looking for mor direct kinds of treatments. It also may happen due to pregnancy, since this happens with morning sickness. It can cause acid to sit around in your mouth, and it can be hard to deal with. Brushing your teeth after morning sickness is very important. 

Then there are swimming pools. Chlorine does target the teeth if you do get water in your mouth. You should always check the pH and chlorine levels before you go in, to make sur that it won’t wear down the acids within the teeth. 

How to treat this 

The best ways to treat this are to limit acidic beverages and foods, rinse with water as much as you can, and always wait for brushing, especially if you just had acidic food. You should always talk to your doctor too if you’re curious about what to do, and the best ways to treat this.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Important Things to Know About Root Canal

There can be many problems which can happen with a tooth. If you are facing a severe one, you may wonder if you need a root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is also known as endodontic therapy. This therapy is performed when a tooth’s pulp gets infected due to cavity, decay, chip, or anything which may have the capability to result in inflammation and infection in the tooth pulp. The procedure mainly involves use of a drill after which the infected pulp or nerve in the tooth is removed. After this removal, the tooth is sealed to prevent any further infection. An important thing that you need to know in this regard is that only a dentist or endodontist can tell you whether or not the root canal treatment can solve your case. Having that said, it would be worth mentioning some symptoms for which you can get root canal treatment.

Possible symptoms
Pain is one of the most important symptoms which can prompt you to think about getting root canal treatment. The important factor to mention is the intensity of pain. This intensity can range from mild to severe. The intensity can keep shifting between mild and severe throughout the day. Sometimes, it can get worse for you if you bite on anything a bit hard. Additional and abnormal sensitivity in the tooth is also the reason you may need a root canal treatment. All of these issues may involve swelling in the gums as common factor.

What you need to do?
When you feel any of the symptoms getting prominent in your teeth, you need to call your dentist immediately. You can contact your dentist over the phone or you can visit the dentist personally. You will need to explain everything happening to your oral cavity in order to let the dentist know fully about your case. Your dentist may recommend root canal treatment but he/she will immediately instruct you about getting relief from the pain until you will get your root canal treatment started. Generally, you can get relief from pain by applying ice pack on the cheek area right above the aching tooth.

What your dentist will do
When you discuss your problem with the dentist, your dentist will run necessary tests to examine your case. The most common way of examining a case requiring root canal treatment is the x-ray exam. After examination, your dentist will tell you whether you can get your problem solved with the help of medication or you are going to need to visit an endodontist. The dentists refer patients to endodontists when they find nerve damage in the tooth pulp.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

How to Properly Brush your Teeth

 Brushing your teeth, like washing and combing your hair, may feel a bit mineral, but the thing is, it’s actually something that you want to do right, and if you’re not using the correct techniques, you won’t have a smile that looks good, and you won’t be happy with this.

The correct Way 

When you brush your teeth, you’re eliminating bacteria and plaque  that’s there. when it’s not removed, it leads to dental decay, cavities, and also gum disease.

The correct brushing technique can prevent this, and you’ll want to make sure that you get this right.

The steps to do this are the following: 

  1. Work on the outer surfaces of where the teeth are, and then brush the teeth that are upper, followed by lower. Going with each tooth will slow this, so you’re not missing much. 

  2. Take the brush, and then tilt this at around a 45 degree angle, brushing against this to eliminate debris and plaque. Move this in a backwards and forwards motion using short strokes that are as wide as the tooth.

  3. Brush the inner parts of the teeth. Due to the insides not being as visible, you might feel tempted to skip this, but the inside is just as important as the outside. Using the same 45 degree angle to brush these parts on the inside, will help you eliminate the plaque 

  4. Clean up those surfaces that you chew on, suing the same backwards and forwards strokes, and you’ll want to also get the top, where the teeth gets food usually

  5. Brush out the tongue, as it helps freshen out the breath, and also removes bacteria that’s usually going to create odors for people.

Some Tips 

If you’re curious about how you can get this better, then you’re in luck. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your brushing experience.

  • You should brush for at least two minutes twice a day. Utilize a timer to ensure that you get the attention properly on the teeth.

  • You should use a toothbrush that’s soft bristled. A smaller head might be better for smaller mouths, as it reaches different areas.

  • Electric toothbrushes are good for those who want to limit using their hands or have bad dexterity. For those who struggle with brushing, this is also a good idea.

  • You should try to get a toothpaste that’s fitting for the needs that you have. No two people need the same usually, and depending on issues, you may go for a type of toothpaste.

  • You should replace the toothbrush every few months, or when you start to see some wearing and tearing on the toothbrush that’s there. Whatever comes first, make sure to change this regularly.

  • Another thing to do, is that after you get sick, replace your toothbrush, so that you’re not worrying about any sorts of nasty bugs and decay left on there 

  • See a dentist regularly and ask them about your brushing habits and what you can do better, especially if you need it.

Most people brush their teeth, but they don’t pay a ton of attention to how they do it, creating an issue. If you’re someone who is curious about brushing your teeth, or who has a little bit of trouble with doing it, look at this handy how-to article, and see for yourself the difference it makes. Prevent tooth decay and save some money and pain by not letting decay set in, and instead, make sure that you have proper oral care in place, and optimized as well too.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What is a compound Odontoma

Your dentist tells you that you’ve got a compound odontoma. It sounds scary, but while it is a growth, it is treatable. Your dentist might detect the tumors with the x-rays that they take, and usually, it doesn’t cause problems.  Here, you’ll learn what it is, and what your dentist would like to do in most of these cases. 

What Do Odontomas Do? 

Odontomas are tumors that aren’t cancerous, and it is rare, but they don’t cause harm to the body itself. The growths usually replicate the tissues that the teeth are made of, including dentin, enamel, and also pulp, and other tissues. They do grow slowly and occasionally show up in the oral cavity as well. These are usually odontogenic tumors, and usually, they develop between the ages of 14 and 18 years old but can happen at any age. They occur a lot more in females in the upper jaw area. 

While there isn’t an exact cause, they can be associated with infection, trauma, along with inflammation when someone’s young. People with Gardner syndrome or Herman’s syndrome may also be prone to this too since in most cases, this also happens with impacted teeth, and usually, they aren’t fully erupted either. 

Complex Vs. Compound 

There are compound odontomas, which are tooth-like in structure and are more uniform, similar to how normal teeth are, whereas complex odontomas are usually more of a mixture of disorganized masses of tissue. 

Compound ones are twice as likely as the complex ones, and they usually are a small group of teeth on x-rays too. There have also been instances where patients have multiple types of compound odontomas, and they can sometimes be diagnosed by different doctors. 

The diagnosis and Treatment 

Usually, these are only done by dental professionals who are able to find this through an x-ray of their jaw. Why they are benign, it’s recommended that you do get minor surgery if it occurs as well. If a patient has no symptoms and the tumor is still allowing the teeth to come in, the main thing they do at this point is monitor it, and then take action if needed. 

Usually, you have a dentist along with an oral maxillofacial surgeon who will help you with this and will decide if you have surgery or if you just need to monitor this sort of thing. These can be found in routine x-rays, or if the dentist sees something on a routine ex-ray that needs to be explored further. 

The big thing to understand though is that a tumor doesn’t equate to cancer, so you might not need treatment right away. But seeing a dentist regularly will make sure that the gums and teeth are checked for proper oral health, and also the neck and head are too. Oral cancer can occur in these areas, even if the tumors that are found are benign. 

Usually, regular checkups and x-rays do this, and they can take some further steps as needed, which is why you should definitely go in for checkups too and to make sure that you’re taking care of your body as best as you can. There are tons of great ways to prevent this from getting worse, and really just proper monitoring and understanding of these can help the patient understand just what exactly is going on, and also from there help you better get a feel as well for this, and in turn help with making sure that you get the most that you can out of this, and to ensure the proper treatment for this is maintained.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What a Wharton’s Duct Is

 Have you ever wondered what saliva is able to move around so easily? Is there a substance that makes this possible? Yes, it’s called the Wharton’s duct.  This is something that’s considered a submandibular duct, and they’re basically saliva channels that are transparent.  Whether you’ve got issues with transporting saliva or are just curious about what goes on in the mouth, this is something that’s fascinating, and here, we’ll give you the full outline of what this is. 

Where They’re Located 

You may wonder where it’s located. 

Basically, look at your underside of your tongue.  You’ll see two openings beneath there, and that’s where saliva is able to enter directly within the mouth, and they’re a huge part of your oral health. 

They are pretty easy to find, as they’re on both the right and the lefthand part of the floor of the mouth. 

This is something that actually manages at least 2/3 of the saliva that you create every single day, to speak and also to chew with. 

The best way to describe it is that it’s like a main water pipe within your mouth. The duct is basically a small tube that’s about 5 centimeters long, and basically carries all of the saliva. Every single submandibular duct will start at the left and right sides, and they’re underneath where your tongue is, and they then empty out directly into a cavity that’s called the sublingual caruncles. 

Why it’s Called this 

Like a lot of the other parts within our body, this is because of the scientist that’s responsible for finding them. 

This wsa done by a man named Thomas Wharton, who was a scientist that was able to study the different bodily glands within. He’s also the first one to pinpoint the structures within his documentation of the neck and the head anatomy. 

He even located the organ within the lower neck area, and he definitely loved to write about these structures. 

Why this Matters 

You need saliva in order to properly lubricate your mouth, so the ducts and organs that are there do play a big role in the movement of your mouth, and it’s absolutely essential. 

The movement of saliva directly from your glands is vital for the everyday activities. Whether you’re speaking, chewing, swallowing, or even washing some of the debris that’s on your teeth, these are all partially done because of saliva. 

There are some issues that can relate to this that mayhappen. The most common is called calcifications of the duct, which creates what’s called a salivary stone. 

If it gets blocked up, that means that the saliva cannot pass through the same way that it normally would. This also prevents it from continuing down the same path to get these essential functions. 

It also can cause pressure and pain in the buildup where the gland that’s blocked is. 

If it doesn’t get treated, this is also then responsible for what’s called xerostomia, or also known commonly as a dry mouth condition. 

It can also lead to bad breath, or halitosis, and it can cause a ton of more serious problems down the line too if you’re not careful. 

Lots of people don’t realize that the saliva that we have is very important, and those with dry mouth are more at a possible risk for dental decay and gum disease too. 

If you notice some issues with the salivary glands, or you have a blocked salivary duct, then you should make sure that you also do talk to your doctor, to get the treatment for these symptoms immediately.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What Stannous Fluoride Toothpaste Does

There are different types of fluoride toothpastes. These include sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate, and stannous fluoride.  There are different benefits to each, and even if you don’t know the chemistry, they’re important to understand.

What Fluoride does 

Fluoride is basically what stops tooth decay, through the use of enamel strengthening, which we find in a lot of oral care items. It actually is considered a big part of toothpaste. If you want the ADA seal on your toothpastes, it must contain it.  There are different forms though, and stannous fluoride is one type of it. 

Fluoride also has the benefits of fighting tooth decay, and also cavities, and prevents the demineralization of tooth enamel that’s damaged, which is useful before cavities form, and it can also be good for other dental issues that are there.

What Stannous Fluoride Does 

Stannous fluoride is basically a very common type of ingredient that you find in different toothpastes, and it’s recognized by the ADA as a big part in reducing overall tooth decay. The difference between stannous and other types of fluoride are the different benefits, such : 

  • It naturally fights cavities, simply by strengthening the dentin and the enamel, and it’s been shown that is’ resistant to a lot of different acids 

  • It’s antimicrobial, so it’ll kill off the plaque that you see that creates gum disease, and also decay in the teeth too. 

  • It helps with sensitivity, since this actually can help to reduce sensitivity that happens with foods and drinks that are there. It creates a layer over the other tubules, which are small channels of the dentin that lead to the pulp, which is the sensitive portion of this.

You might wonder the difference between sodium fluoride and stannous fluoride. Well, the big difference is sodium is used in water, and it's basically used with different toothpastes too. It’s great for strengthening the enamel and also fighting the cavities, but it doesn’t really address the sensitivity and also the antimicrobial sorts of benefits that stannous fluoride tends to offer. 

Other ways to fight tooth Decay. 

If you’re someone who is already using fluoride, then you might wonder if there are other ways to fight this. luckily, there sure are different ways to do this.

The first thing to look at is your diet. If you consume a lot of foods and drinks that are sugary, try to cut down a little bit on this.  When you have sugar, it causes the acids to be secreted, and this wears away at the enamel of the teeth.

You should also make sure that your oral hygiene is also up to snuff. Tht means, you want to brush your teeth two minutes twice daily, and also, you want to consume the fluoride supplements that you can. Using a fluoride toothpaste is a good way to help with this. On top of that, flossing is also good for gum disease, and other concerns.

Finally, your dental health relies on how well you take care of this, but sometimes, there are certain things that the dentist can only treat. Make sure to go to dental cleanings, so that the dentist can give this a deeper cleaning, get rid of any tartar that’s there, and also, you can get further guidance on how to have the ideal oral hygiene that you can, and also other ways to boost your oral hygiene overall, especially for your own personal needs too.

Take care of your teeth today, and make sure that in the care process, you don’t get rid of the one important thing to have: fluoride toothpaste.